Performance in line with the standards and a continuous improvement cycle results in:
  • zero faults, no delays, excellent services to meet the desired customer satisfaction and expectations,
  • successful business and financial stability for investing in company development and ensuring satisfaction of the owners and interested parties in the environment in which we operate,
  • continuous growth of employees and their competences and the provision of conditions to their satisfaction,
  • cooperation with suppliers in order to achieve optimum logistics’ flows throughout the supply chain and care for using the most environmentally and economically optimal materials.
  • Providing the appropriate level of equipment for the development, production and quality checking which will enable us to get involved in the development stages earlier.

At the same time, we also concern ourselves with environmental conservation since we strive to ensure that our products are made from environmentally-friendly and recyclable materials that do not harm the environment. As early as 1995, we were certified according to the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard which was in 2003 upgraded with the ISO/TS 16949 automotive standard and in 2004 with the ISO 14001 environmental standard.

We, at Tomplast, have vested great importance in comprehensive quality which we have also recorded in our business strategy and quality policy. For us, the quality of our products and services is a constant goal of our operations or the functioning of all the processes in our company.

Quality Assurance

At Tomplast, the quality of the product is of primary importance and is planned already at the stage of the product and process development and is constantly being upgraded with the use of quality improvement tools and good practice. With this we also consider the wishes and requirements of our customers, while considering the proposals of our suppliers. With the constant internal and external assessments we conduct preventive checks of quality management system implementation, carry out appropriate corrections and constantly improve our processes on the basis of perceived opportunities. The preventive control of the production process and its support processes using statistical methods and efficient problem solving using the 8D structured method and tools (Ishikawa, 5Why, etc.) ensures the reduction in non-compliant products towards a zero-error goal.

We are increasingly focusing on our employees, since we are aware that competent and satisfied employees is a key factor towards excellence. To this end, we are investing our efforts in increasingly efficient communication, as well as dedicating a great deal of resources and time for the education and training of all our employees, both in professional fields as well as in the field of quality, environmental protection, mutual relations, management and other fields.

Measurement and testing


In our own laboratory, we have the necessary equipment to ensure the following: - conducting dimensional product and materials’ checks (3D meters, optical meters, measuring devices, etc.), - conducting product properties’ checks (tensile testing machine, temperature test and optical analysis booths), - verification of the physical and mechanical properties of materials (flux index, impact strength, etc.).
At the request of our customers, we also carry out tests of materials and products according to their standards and norms in external accredited laboratories.

In our processes, we provide compliance with all the requirements of the ISO/TS 16949 standard and constantly apply all the five pillars of quality:


Scope of the
management system

